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Most Important Question at CNN/YouTube Debate

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 41 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

According to official sources, the following is a video of the most important question slated to be asked at the CNN/YouTube Republican presidential debate.

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41 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 28, 2007 at 10:54 am

    God Bless America

  • 2 upnorthlurkin // Nov 28, 2007 at 11:11 am

    Does anybody even watch the Clinton News Network anymore?! I know I won’t!! Okay, I would if Scott Ott were on!! Zing!!

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Nov 28, 2007 at 11:13 am

    Indeed, these futile attempts to convince voters that they are actually involved in the Election Process are laughable and worthy of nothing; not even the avalanche of inane sound bites and comparisons of Body Language we’ll be inundated with post- “debate.”

    I refuse to contaminate/defile my television with CNN, anyway. So, there.

  • 4 Michelle Malkin » The CNN/YouTube debate: Raised stakes, lowered expectations // Nov 28, 2007 at 11:29 am

    [...] here’s satirist Scott Ott’s most important video question. Pretty much sums up the farce of the political [...]

  • 5 Fred Sinclair // Nov 28, 2007 at 11:53 am

    Bumper sticker spotted on a Silverado pickup truck on Loop 610 in
    Houston, Texas, on Oct 30, 2007



    Gotta love those Texans!

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 6 seneuba // Nov 28, 2007 at 11:55 am

    I still think Scott oughta run.

  • 7 Tim_T // Nov 28, 2007 at 12:00 pm

    Hey, Scott… Whatever happened to your campaign?

    [Editor's Note: The Scott Ott for President campaign continues to receive fully taxable contributions via the PayPal button at Despite his failure to actively campaign, visit key early-primary states, prepare for questions or knock off a few pounds to look better on camera, the candidate says he has never been more serious about the race, and is at least as enthusiastic about it as Fred Thompson.]

  • 8 upnorthlurkin // Nov 28, 2007 at 12:07 pm

    Don’t these idjits know it’s Christmas?! Who wants to listen to a bunch of political pooh when you could be listening to beautiful Christmas music?! If you held a debate and nobody came or listened…. did it ever really happen?! If we all just boycotted politics til say 6 weeks before the election would the pundits get tired of talking to themselves and taking stupid loaded question polls and just stop this madness?! Probably not, but I’d sure be willing to give it a try.

  • 9 da Bunny // Nov 28, 2007 at 12:38 pm

    Very nicely done, Scott! No sense in a “political debate” boring the viewers with the real problems of the world, or with any possible viable solutions…just keep ‘em entertained with one-liner inanities. I’m just disappointed that you weren’t wearing your “Snowman” costume in the video. :-)

  • 10 always right // Nov 28, 2007 at 12:41 pm

    Re: Annon
    Ditto. I’ve been waiting for Mr. ScrappleFace to announce his platforms for months and months now. If only he could find time to write a bullet point highlights or a powerpoint presentation, I think he will get at least a few votes from those norwegians.

    Hey, Scott, have you been to foreign lands for your foreign policy experience yet? You know, Canada? Mexico? Heck, even Kalifornia?

  • 11 THE NEW REPUBLIC | Blogs // Nov 28, 2007 at 1:10 pm

    [...] on healthcare] in an interview on New Hampshire Public Radio." State of the Union [Scott Ott, Scrappleface]: "According to official sources, the following is a video of the most important question [...]

  • 12 Hawkeye // Nov 28, 2007 at 1:16 pm

    Hahahahahaha! What else is left to say? :lol:

  • 13 Libby Gone // Nov 28, 2007 at 1:52 pm

    Excellent Scott,sir!
    again the wit lies in the truth………..

  • 14 everthink // Nov 28, 2007 at 1:55 pm


    What else do you expect from a clown lineup?

    There is never any substance to Repug campaigns, there is only name calling, dirty tricks, “technical terms” like “Flip Flopper”, remarks about Hillary’s thighs, and “humorous” name distortions.

    How about asking: What do you think of Dumbyah’s administration?

    But then, it really doesn’t matter you know?

  • 15 upnorthlurkin // Nov 28, 2007 at 2:08 pm

    I smell a serious case of political projection or pot calling the kettle black….. oh nope, it’s those darn sugar beets being processed. Ick, ick, ick…

  • 16 conserve-a-tips // Nov 28, 2007 at 2:19 pm

    Scott, the first introductory section of your question left me in such disarray that I forgot the question. Was it asking whether the candidates like those Little Debbie Cakes - Zingers - or not?

    Oh yes, and Scott, do you prefer diamonds or pearls?

  • 17 Darthmeister // Nov 28, 2007 at 3:01 pm

    “In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shank from this responsibility - I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it — and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

    And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.”

    In that light, I predict at the next Demoncrap presidential “debate” some barking moonbat will essentially ask a Donk candidate: “When will you immediately withdraw the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan (German, Japan, South Korea, etc.) so that my country can do more for me?”

  • 18 Darthmeister // Nov 28, 2007 at 3:02 pm


  • 19 Fred Sinclair // Nov 28, 2007 at 3:09 pm

    e.t. # 14 - “…..humorous” name distortions.”
    Do you mean like “Dumbyah”?

    e.t. I do have a question for you - not a satirical question, given the fact that this is a serious Conservative blog (thank you Scott) but an honest, open question just for the record. to wit: Will you give serious consideration to possibly changing your Mental Health Provider, seeing as the one you currently have is demonstrably not helping you.

    As for President Bush’s Administration there have been some serious errors - the greatest of which has been his failure to emulate the precedent established by President Lincoln when all dissenters who spoke negatively about the war, the Administration or the President were rounded up and jailed without recourse to lawyers, the courts, etc. for the duration of the war. We could use a whole can of that right now.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 20 Maggie // Nov 28, 2007 at 3:25 pm

    Since I am unable to download U-tube and have no sound on the gerbal run PC,I can only guess what the question might be.
    “Do you wear boxers or brief?” or
    “Do you prefer diamonds or pearls”?
    (did Hillary answer “boxers”?)

  • 21 Effeminem // Nov 28, 2007 at 3:47 pm

    Nah, Hillary said “both.” Yes, she refused to take a position on that weighty topic.

    I think someone should ask Giuliani that, though.

  • 22 Fred Sinclair // Nov 28, 2007 at 3:55 pm

    It’s possible that some good could come from withdrawing our troops back to the United States. I just now checked and we currently have approximately 200,000 Active Duty troops stationed in various countries around the globe.

    If we recalled ALL OF THEM the rest of the world would then have real reason to hate us. Then 100,000 could be stationed along our Southern Border with all of their Hi-Tech equipment, clear a “Free Fire Zone” 100 yards north of the border; the Navy could keep 100% of its ships along our waterline border. With strict orders to disintegrate anything seen moving with our latest Fighter and Bomber planes. Tanks, etc.

    The remaining 100,000 would spread out across the country, county by county and State by State, taking into custody any and all who could not provide legal documentation of their right to be in the United States. They could then be deported back to their country of origin. Those attempting to escape, would of course be shot and killed.

    ergo:Illegal immigration problem - solved. Next question?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 23 Effeminem // Nov 28, 2007 at 4:12 pm

    I was going to say something about police states, but I think I just swallowed a fly. Oh man.

  • 24 Darthmeister // Nov 28, 2007 at 4:54 pm


    A police state is one in which only the police and military have the most modern firearms to “pacify” its citizenry. We aren’t anywhere close to that.

    Under gun-grabbing DemDonks however …

  • 25 conserve-a-tips // Nov 28, 2007 at 5:43 pm

    Effeminem, that would be Venezuela. Viva la Chavez!!

  • 26 camojack // Nov 28, 2007 at 6:15 pm

    Next time, try to keep it down to an eleventeen second sound bite…OK?

    Heh, heh…

  • 27 Fred Sinclair // Nov 28, 2007 at 6:33 pm

    always right # 10 - That was a low blow! Calling a great, grand state like Mexophornia - “Kalifornia”

    Left unchecked, your next faux pas will be calling the great, grand country of Iraq something like Mesopotamia.

    Or worse yet, like the Liberals want to rename themselves Progressives.

    But like I’ve heard, “A rose by any other name smells just as sweet”.

    Or better yet, “A Liberal by any other name smells just as Liberal”.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 28 mindknumbed kid // Nov 28, 2007 at 7:02 pm

    That question will have the average voter ready to make a truely informed choice. I am so glad it will be given full debate early in the election season.
    I think I might just go for that Ott guy, he is pretty sharp.

  • 29 Ms RightWing, Ink // Nov 28, 2007 at 9:36 pm

    Hey c.a.t., good to hear from ya. I been to and returned from the local hospital already today. I needed to have some plumbing work done. It is done. Now life.

    Scott, I am so glad you have been doing your deep breathing exercises , whew. I already forgot the first question.

  • 30 Fred Sinclair // Nov 29, 2007 at 5:27 am

    Just too good to ignore -

    Subject: Fwd: stroke victim

    While visiting his niece, an elderly man had
    what was apparently a stroke.She drove wildly to get him to the emergency
    Room. After what seemed like A very long wait, the ER doctor
    appeared, wearing his scrubs and a long face.Sadly, he said, “I’m afraid
    that your uncle’s brain is dead but his heart is still beating.”"Oh, dear,”
    cried the woman, her hands clasped against her cheeks with shock. “We’ve
    never had a Democrat in the family

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 31 mig // Nov 29, 2007 at 6:00 am

    ImaNutJob has graciously volunteered his services and time to oversee our elections, perhaps we could convince him to monitor a debate in his spare time. Can we see a show of hands that would like the (uh hem) gentleman from Iran take the position of monitor for (uh hem) debate?

  • 32 mig // Nov 29, 2007 at 6:09 am

    I can’t watch these guys humiliate themselves, I would need terminal sedation.

  • 33 Fred Sinclair // Nov 29, 2007 at 6:33 am


    Husband’s note on refrigerator for wife:

    Someone from the Guyna Colleges called.
    They said the Pabst beer is normal.
    I didn’t know you liked beer.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 34 charmingtail // Nov 29, 2007 at 8:09 am

    Retired Brig. Gen./gays in the military lobbyist/Hillary-Kerry supporter Keith H. Kerr wasn’t the only plant at the CNN/YouTube debate.

    “Paperserenade,” the girl who asked an abortion question, is a declared John Edwards supporter.

    David Cercone, the Pompano Beach, Florida, man who asked the question about Log Cabin Republicans, is a declared Obama supporter.

    The lead toy questioner, LeeAnn Anderson, who appears to be an ordinary mom concerned about her two children, whom she includes in her video, is a prominent Pittsburgh union activist–and aide to Leo Gerard, President of the American Steel Workers Union/John Edwards supporter.

    There were more Democrats at the GOP debate than there were registered voters….


  • 35 The American Street » Blog Archive » The Republican spat // Nov 29, 2007 at 8:35 am

    [...] Scott Ott is likely disheartened that the most important question never got [...]

  • 36 Fred Sinclair // Nov 29, 2007 at 9:24 am

    charmingtail - Perhaps if they started piping in Rush Limbaugh over the loudspeakers, they might gain some converts and get rid of the rest?

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 37 avought // Nov 29, 2007 at 9:54 am

    This is excellent on so many levels.

  • 38 everthink // Nov 29, 2007 at 1:25 pm

    Hairbrain Ranger,

    You say: “e.t. # 14 - “…..humorous” name distortions.” Do you mean like “Dumbyah”?”

    Good point! I also used the term “Repug”. I’ll make a deal with you, if you all here start using term Democrat instead of the dozen, or more other names you now use. I will stop using “Repug”!

    Sorry, “Dumbyah” is another matter, as long as he holds the office of president, I’ll call him what I choose! Actually, I also call him by other names, but they would be deleted here.

    Then you say: “e.t. I do have a question for you - not a satirical question, given the fact that this is a serious Conservative blog (thank you Scott)”.

    That’s not what I’ve seen here!

    Then you add, “Will you give serious consideration to possibly changing your Mental Health Provider, seeing as the one you currently have is demonstrably not helping you. “

    You must have a form Universal Health Care! Or have you refused Medicare?

    You question my mental health, then post: “As for President Bush’s Administration there have been some serious errors - the greatest of which has been his failure to emulate the precedent established by President Lincoln when all dissenters who spoke negatively about the war, the Administration or the President were rounded up and jailed without recourse to lawyers, the courts, etc. for the duration of the war. We could use a whole can of that right now. “

    Have you ever even heard of the “Bill of Rights”, you fascist! Let’s just see what happens if he tries that! And you think I’m crazy?


  • 39 mindknumbed kid // Nov 29, 2007 at 5:57 pm

    Trolls on Scrappleface may appear less intelligent than they could possiblybe.

  • 40 always right // Nov 30, 2007 at 12:02 pm

    ET (#38) is showing his/her truely “Independent” spirit, ain’t it?

  • 41 mindknumbed kid // Nov 30, 2007 at 7:10 pm

    I believe ET is truly indepent ……..of a brain.

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