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Farrakhan Praises Obama, Clinton Woos Chaka Khan

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 41 Comments · · Print This Story Print This Story

(2008-02-25) — As her hopes for the Democrat presidential nomination slip away, Sen. Hillary Clinton today tried to answer Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s praise of rival Barack Obama by securing an endorsement of her White House bid from Grammy-award winner Chaka Khan.

“We’ve been working with the Khan people for some time now,” said an unnamed Clinton aide, “We’re very close to getting the endorsement. These are two high-powered women. You could even say that Hillary Clinton has taken the public stage in a fashion reminiscent of Chaka Khan.”

While an endorsement appears imminent, talks reportedly had deadlocked over a 1978 disco hit in which Ms. Khan said, “I’m Every Woman.”

“Clearly, Hillary has a 35-year track record of accomplishment in that regard,” the source said, “which pre-dates Chaka Khan’s claim by several years.”

Meanwhile, Sen. Obama’s campaign moved to distance itself from Minister Farrakhan’s praise, as one Obama aide put it, “far enough away to assuage voters nervous about Farrakhan’s antisemitism, black nationalism and wacky conspiracy theories, while being careful not to alienate anti-Semites, black nationalists and conspiracy theorists in general, who make up an important element of the Democrat party base.”

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41 responses so far ↓

  • 1 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:24 am

    Great punchline!

  • 2 boberinyetagain // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:44 am

    Funny as always Mr. Ott!

    downey kelly…very soft…

  • 3 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:46 am

    Little-Known Factoid:
    Chaka Khan would come to mind whenever I heard The Commodores singing Brick House (1977) on the radio. Still does, I guess. Wow, there she is…..shake it down, shake it down, now…..
    [sorry, some things flash me back a bit too vividly perhaps]

  • 4 boberinyetagain // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:47 am

    Yeah, Ralph is running, Ralph is running!!

  • 5 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:49 am

    Hillary can’t possibly win this one.

    I guess Obama has already gotten the endorsement of Vanilla Ice?

  • 6 Hawkeye // Feb 25, 2008 at 10:12 am

    anti-Semites, black nationalists and conspiracy theorists in general, who make up an important element of the Democrat party base…

    Ouch! Good one Scott. :smile:

    Lots identified — but not all…

  • 7 woodnwheel // Feb 25, 2008 at 10:34 am

    While an endorsement appears imminent, talks reportedly had deadlocked over a 1978 disco hit in which Ms. Khan said, “I’m Every Woman.”

    “Clearly, Hillary has a 35-year track record of accomplishment in that regard,” the source said, “which pre-dates Chaka Khan’s claim by several years.”

    Great stuff :)

    On the subject of Farrakhan’s praise of Obama: Considering the difficulties Obama has faced over the e-mail, this can’t be good for him. It remains to be seen whether this will hurt him in the long run, but I almost — almost — feel for him.

    and pine: and I pine for the days of Ronald Reagan!

  • 8 upnorthlurkin // Feb 25, 2008 at 11:07 am

    Zing! Yet another masterpiece, Mr. Ott!

  • 9 da Bunny // Feb 25, 2008 at 11:10 am

    Farrakhan’s antisemitism, black nationalism and wacky conspiracy theories…

    Left out here is Farrakhan’s islamofascism, which should be a huge boon to the vote for B. Hussein Obama, as well. The currently circulating picture of OsamaObama in the turban/islamic get-up is quite telling, is it not? Allah must be very proud…

  • 10 woodnwheel // Feb 25, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    da Bunny: I hadn’t seen the “currently circulating picture of OsamaObama in the turban/islamic get-up” but I managed to find it here… I’d have to agree with Matt Lewis’ comments about it…

  • 11 boberinyetagain // Feb 25, 2008 at 1:07 pm

    Oh good grief. One can only hope he never dressed as Santa Claus, that would be devastating!

    weekly seem, the much ballyhood’d replacement for the “daily seem” that was taking too much time to go over

  • 12 Dating - Find your perfect match » Farrakhan Praises Obama, Clinton Woos Chaka Khan // Feb 25, 2008 at 1:13 pm

    [...] Praises Obama, Clinton Woos Chaka Khan Metal Underground . com wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptFarrakhan Praises Obama, Clinton Woos [...]

  • 13 da Bunny // Feb 25, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    woodnwheel, I’m not concerned about the “costume” Obama is wearing, although it’s pretty funny that the Clinton campaign is being credited with the circulation of this photo. But, you combine this goofy picture with the facts that Obama has refused to wear his “American flag lapel pin,” doesn’t “pledge allegiance” to the U.S. flag, is a raging socialist in the form of the “most liberal Senator” in the U.S. Senate, thinks that meeting with thugs and dictators who hate America is a good idea, and now has the support of an obvious racist and islamofascist, Louis Farrakhan…in this picture, Obama bin Hopin’ is starting to “look the part,” as well. :-(

  • 14 woodnwheel // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:06 pm

    …the facts that Obama has refused to wear his ‘American flag lapel pin,’ doesn’t ‘pledge allegiance’ to the U.S. flag…

    I normally would suggest that you go to a source like for this, but since I couldn’t find anything there specifically addressing the above charges, let me refer you to this page. I am not an Obama supporter — in fact, I’d personally prefer Hillary over Obama, but I’d MUCH rather have McCain than Hillary. But in the interest of fairness, if you’re going to refer to something as “facts,” you ought to check the record.

  • 15 woodnwheel // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    By the way, da Bunny, I do not dispute the rest of your description of Obama — in fact, I agree with it. Just so the record is clear. :)

  • 16 Hawkeye // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    da Bunny,
    Here’s something at Snopes…

  • 17 boberinyetagain // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:44 pm

    Ah, the proper lapel pin. Heaven forbid that someone who wants to be president would think of leaving the hose without his flag lapel pin!
    Oh the humanity. Everyone knows that if you have the flag lapel pin you are to be trusted in whatever you say, for whatever reason you say it and without one then…all heck might break loose.
    Danged, and me not wearing one, well then…never mind

    to apartments!…what the current mortgage woes has much of the country saying these days

  • 18 Hawkeye // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    And here’s something about the flag pin…,2933,299439,00.html

  • 19 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    woodnwheel #14: While I agree (in a general way) with your “check the record” remark, I’m not sure that a link to a Barak Obama ‘08 website is the best way to back up your implication. I have seen Sen. Obama on the news, and in some of the Dem debates, & I don’t recall ever seeing him wearing an American Flag pin. Not that unusual, I grant you, but … do you have an independent source that you can point us to?

    p.s. While I’m replying to you, let me ask: does anyone here have an email ID for you?

  • 20 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    Hawkeye #18: Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about …

  • 21 woodnwheel // Feb 25, 2008 at 3:59 pm

    “I’m not sure that a link to a Bara[c]k Obama ‘08 website is the best way to back up your implication.”

    As I said, ordinarily I would have pointed da Bunny to Snopes or, but I couldn’t find anything (on Snopes at least) that specifically addressed the lapel pin or the Pledge of Allegiance. (I missed the page that Hawkeye linked to, which does address the “Pledge” issue.)

    While I’m replying to you, let me ask: does anyone here have an email ID for you?

    An e-mail address, you mean? ;) I don’t have one for you, so I guess we’re even :-D In all seriousness, Scott has it, but I prefer not to give it out to people I don’t know. If you’ll give me yours (which isn’t listed on the website your name links to) I’ll send you mine (provided you keep it off the record).

  • 22 Fashion » Farrakhan Praises Obama, Clinton Woos Chaka Khan // Feb 25, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    [...] ScrappleFace — News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher. wrote an interesting post today on Farrakhan Praises Obama, Clinton Woos Chaka KhanHere’s a quick excerpt (2008-02-25) — As her hopes for the Democrat presidential nomination slip away, Sen. Hillary Clinton today tried to answer Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan’s praise of rival Barack Obama by securing an endorsement of her White House bid from Grammy-award winner Chaka Khan. “We’ve been working with the Khan people for some time now,” said an unnamed Clinton aide, “We’re very close to getting the endorsement. These are two high-powered women. You could even say that Hillary Clinton has ta [...]

  • 23 da Bunny // Feb 25, 2008 at 4:45 pm

    OK, so I was wrong about Obama and the “Pledge of Allegiance,” and I am sorry for being misinformed about such. I don’t personally give a rat’s behind if Obama says the pledge or wears flag pins on his lapels. I do care that he is a “class-envy” promoting liberal socialist who wants to raise taxes and create bigger and more bureaucratic social programs. I do know that he is “pro-choice.” I do know that his speeches are full of empty rhetoric and outlandish promises, and that his “followers” cannot point to one accomplishment of his when pressed. He spouts platitudes about “hope” and “change,” and that placates the masses of “useful idiots” who love his chin music. I was making sarcastic comments about the picture of him in Kenyan garb, and a perceived lack of apparent gratitude for this country, which has allowed and assisted him to become as successful as he has been. Some here are of the misguided opinion that all I care about is what Obama is or isn’t wearing. [pbuh] Obama is a radically far-left liberal socialist…that’s all I need to know about this “messianic” politician.

  • 24 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2008 at 4:46 pm

    woodnwheel #21: I have a “public” email ID that I’ll post here: it is . If you email me, include a word in the “Subject” line, or the text of your note, that you can post here on SF when I ask you what word you used. OK?

  • 25 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2008 at 5:10 pm

    da Bunny #24: We can confidently expect that, whatever criticisms we make of Sen. Obama, we will be accused of racism, Islamophobia etc. - you know the whole dreary routine, I am sure. But that is why it will be particularly important in this election year to be able to back up our claims. I don’t give a rat’s fundament about his pins and/or pledges either, and I’ll add his supposed “madrassa” education and a number of other items to that list.

    Some years back, I concluded that Bill Clinton was a classic snake-oil salesman. Obama is not only a world-class “medicine man”; he’s a Rorschach Inkblot Card.

    /moonbat>See? See? Ink?! Black!! Racist!$!*!

  • 26 Just Ranting // Feb 25, 2008 at 5:22 pm

    Chaka Khan? I think she has more in common with Ghengis Khan, but I guess John Kerry used that analogy on Viet Nam soldiers already. We wouldn’t want her to be accused of someting as tawdry as plagiarism.

  • 27 onlineanalyst // Feb 25, 2008 at 6:27 pm

    Are we sure that Madame Hillary was not referring to Aga (or was it Ali?) Khan, one of Rita Hayworth’s hubbies? That would “frame” her age factor well.

    I thought that Obama bin Hopin’ was wearing his smiley pin for public appearances and the Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism-inspired pin when he meets with his “buds” in their new-world-order “Change” confabs. (George Soros was not available for verification.)

    I’ve seen two other anti-Obama references around the blogosphere: One is O’bummer! and the other is Nøbama. (There is a strike through on the “O” of the latter.)

    WV: by commanding- How the Dems intend to impose their legislative will on the populace. Heaven forfend that they wreak havoc through the executive, as well.

    Heh! I followed a young gal driving on the highway within the last week who was a cliche of the easily led. She was driving a Prius with an Obama bumpersticker and sipping from a cup of coffee. I couldn’t tell if it was a mocha or a latte, but she was driving as erratically as if she were also on her cell phone.

  • 28 da Bunny // Feb 25, 2008 at 6:41 pm

    RedPepper #25, you are correct about not being able to criticize Obama w/o being “labeled,” as it were. As far as I can tell, my one inaccuracy was about his position on the “Pledge,” and that is because I was not up to speed about his dispute of that particular “myth.” Again, I apologize for that. There seem to be several things about Obama’s past and his positions that has needed his “clarification.”

  • 29 EXT // Feb 25, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    I was thinking to temporarily register as a Democrap in order to cast a mischevous vote in the primary.

    Then I realized:

    If I vote for Obama and against Hillary then I’m a racist.

    But….if I vote for Hillary and against Obama then I’m a sexist.

    So I guess I’ll have to do the Democratic thing and register under two names and vote once for each.

    Then outfox ‘em by voting for Nader, the closest thing to a conservative, in November.

  • 30 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2008 at 7:02 pm

    Just Ranting, EXT : Please see comment #24.

  • 31 Fred Sinclair // Feb 25, 2008 at 7:06 pm

    I’m so happy that Nader is making a 3rd party run for the Presidency. His adamant stands on -
    1. Draconian Gun Control measures (confiscation),
    2. Abortion on demand,
    3. Same Sex Marriage,
    4. Higher taxes,
    5. National (Universal) Health Care (Hillarycare),
    6. Manmade Global Warming, Military Cut and Run defeat in
    Iraq and Afghanistan are so insanely Liberal Left Lunatic that any votes he gets will be from independents who would have voted Democrat anyway, the Democrats ticked off that their pick didn’t get the nomination, etc.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 32 woodnwheel // Feb 25, 2008 at 7:21 pm


    “If you email me, include a word in the ‘Subject’ line, or the text of your note, that you can post here on SF when I ask you what word you used. OK?”

    In other words, put something like “from a Scrappler” in the subject line so you’ll know it’s from me and not junk mail or something? :)

    First Lynn — for some reason this reminds me of Lynne Cheney, but a) she’s the Second Lady, not the First Lady; and b) her name is spelled Lynne, not Lynn… Ah well, you can’t win ‘em all!

  • 33 RedPepper // Feb 25, 2008 at 7:46 pm

    woodnwheel #32: Here’s what I’m suggesting.

    You send me an email with a distinctive word in it.

    When I get the email, I come back here and ask you to post what word you used.

    You then post the word; at that point, I am sure that either;
    a) Some unknown person is hijacking your “woodnwheel” nickname, or b) the email that I received actually was sent by you.

    (I have used this routine before to ascertain the identity of e-mailers … )

    Sound reasonable?

  • 34 JamesonLewis3rd // Feb 25, 2008 at 8:58 pm

    Last October this (from NewsBusters) caused a bit of a ripple in the conservative blogosphere. If I remember correctly the MSM praised his articulation or something and then fell prostrate before him. The lapel-flag thing was another non-issue at about the same time and is mentioned in the same article.

    I agree pretty much with “who cares” but real Americans don’t act like that and…..well…’s creepy. There’s been a plethora of additional evidence piled on since then regarding BO’s character which has shown the lapel-flag/pledge incidents were just a teeny peep at the tip of the iceberg of his [et al] non-allegiance. If he’s POTUS, we’re in deep…..

  • 35 Darthmeister // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:34 pm

    … and John Kerry is channeling “Jinjus” Khan.

    I heard a soundbite of Jon Stewart’s pro-Obama joke last night at the Hollyweird Oscar show (I didn’t waste my time watching, I heard the sound bite on a local radio station). Stewart mused just how wonderful and progressive liberals were for embracing a man who has a last name rhyming with Osama and a middle name that was the last name of the infamous dictator of Iraq. I’ll do Mr. Stewart’s joke writers one better by coming up with an even funnier joke on the same topic:

    “Barack Hussein Obama … Barack Hussein Obama. Think about that name for a minute. The vast majority of his supporters today never knew he even existed three years ago. What accounts for his popularity? Well, his last name rhymes with a man who masterminded the murder of over 2700 Americans on 9/11, his middle name is the same as the last name of a ruthless dictator whose brutality toward his own people and his hatred of America is well documented. [raise eyebrow ... pause for effect] Hmmm, come to think of it, I bet if a study was conducted of Mr. Obama’s supporters they’d find out most of them are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome!” [cue laugh track]

  • 36 Darthmeister // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    Sorry, Just Ranting, I see you beat me to the Jinjus Khan/Kerry joke.

    EXT, by voting twice you’d merely be validating the inner Democrap child inside you. Scary thought, eh? BTW, ever felt the occasional need for an exorcism when being tempted like that?

  • 37 Darthmeister // Feb 25, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    OBAMA: The Rorschach Candidate …

    Hmmmm [scratching my bearded chin] I like that, RedPepper. I guess if he can’t be accused of being a Manchurian candidate, being called a Rorschach candidate is certainly apropos. It goes well with Barack the Hallmarkâ„¢ Card candidate.

    Here’s a good bumpersticker for a Texas Democrap Obama supporter: “I Vote Obama: Don’t Mess with Messiah”

    [clue: The anti-littering campaign in Texas goes something like this: "Don't Mess With Texas"]

  • 38 Fred Sinclair // Feb 25, 2008 at 11:15 pm

    Ralph Nader: He made his money from royalties from his first book “Unsafe At Any Speed” an awesome book exposing the Chevy Corvair as a killer car - (which it was) he rightfully deserved every cent he made. Because of the book, the Corvair was redesigned using Corvette suspension in 1964. The 1965 Corvair “Corsa” ended up being second only to the ‘Vette in handling, but the damage was done and the Corvair was discontinued by ‘67. It’s six cylinder opposed engine in the “Corsa” is the only car ever in all history that required a minimum of 110 octane gas. ANYTHING less automatically voided the factory guarantee. The ‘kicker’ was that Sunoco had the only gas in America that rated 110 octane at the pumps.

    After his wondrous success, he unfortunately began believing his own press clippings and assumed the role of an “expert” about EVERYTHING. He then evolved into a tree hugger and self appointed protector of owls and darter snails. From there it was a short trip to full blown Liberal Lunatic.

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 39 camojack // Feb 26, 2008 at 12:30 am

    While an endorsement appears imminent, talks reportedly had deadlocked over a 1978 disco hit in which Ms. Khan said, “I’m Every Woman.”

    “Clearly, Hillary has a 35-year track record of accomplishment in that regard,” the source said, “which pre-dates Chaka Khan’s claim by several years.”

    If that was true, I’d have to seriously contemplate suicide… :-(

  • 40 Fred Sinclair // Feb 26, 2008 at 6:39 am


    Just discovered - Obama is a Liberal

    1) ABC News sent Terry Moran to Springfield, the capital of Illinois, to
    explore Barack Obama’s record as a state Senator and, deep in his Monday
    story on World News, Moran acknowledged a reality rarely mentioned in
    network campaign coverage: “Obama was…considered a reliable liberal
    Democratic vote in Illinois, voting for most gun control measures,
    opposing efforts to ban so-called ‘partial birth abortions,’ and
    supporting hundreds of tax increases.” Moran then showed a soundbite of
    Republican State Senator Kirk Dillard, who declared: “Senator Obama
    certainly is a liberal.”

    Heirborn Ranger

  • 41 gafisher // Mar 1, 2008 at 6:56 am

    Fred Re#38: “Ralph Nader: He made his money from royalties from his first book “Unsafe At Any Speed” an awesome book exposing the Chevy Corvair as a killer car - (which it was) he rightfully deserved every cent he made. Because of the book, the Corvair was redesigned using Corvette suspension in 1964.

    “Unsafe At Any Speed” was published in 1965. Nader was well aware of the Corvair redesign, which actually occurred several years before the book was released and hit the showrooms more than a year before the book came out. While GM was arguably culpable in continuing production of the “old” Corvair until the new version was released, the new, safe, and very nimble Corvair was the only version GM was selling in ‘65. In fact, the redesigned ‘64 model is mentioned in passing in the book (only the first chapter of which addresses the Corvair, by the way) but Nader apparently found he could get more mileage by promoting, or at least not correcting, the notion that the Mean Old US Auto Industry wanted customers dead.

    Nader shamelessly capitalized on this public misunderstanding (it was the Sixties, after all) which alone should disqualify him from any position of trust, but far worse, he inspired a following of crusaders bent on destroying American industry and government through similar tactics and paved the way for virtually every Nanny State suppression of freedom, up to and including the manmade global warming hoax and its accoutrements, of the past quarter century.

    By the way, while it addresses other topics, from tinted windshields to “confusing” automatic shift patterns, the main topic of “Unsafe At Any Speed” is car owners’ neglect of proper tire pressures, which is still a problem to this day — Nader’s signature work, the book that made him a household name, failed utterly to accomplish its primary goal.

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