ScrappleFace: News Fairly Unbalanced. We Report. You Decipher

Scott Ott Columns in Washington Examiner

Starting February 10, 2009, Scott Ott became a columnist, writing exclusive ScrappleFace stories for the Washington D.C. Examiner. Click the links to visit webpages at or click the PDF links to view the street edition of that day’s paper. You can also see this list at The Washington Examiner site.

May 2009
Obama Claims Right to Yank Sotomayor Post-Confirmation
(May 29, 2009) [PDF p. 18]

Obama Declares Gitmo Detainees to be ‘Fetuses’
(May 12, 2009) [PDF p. 16]

GM Says No Problem for New Drone in Meeting Emissions Fuel Standards
(May 12, 2009) [PDF p. 16]

Obama Antitrust Crackdown to Nail DNC, Big Unions
(May 12, 2009) [PDF p. 15]

Obama College Bailout Adds Big Learning to Rescue List
(May 5, 2009) [PDF p. 16]

Steele says GOP re-branding won’t involve hot iron
(May 1, 2009) [PDF p. 18]

April 2009

Flu Strain Amok, Obama Warns Against Anti-Swine Bias
(April 28, 2009) [PDF p. 16]

Obama Orders CIA to Use Hindsight First
(April 24, 2009) [PDF p. 16]

Murtha Earmarks $3B for Johnstown Deep-Water Port
(April 21, 2009) [PDF p. 14]

DHS to Release Left-Wing Group Report Via Twitter
(April 17, 2009) [PDF p. 18]

Obama Requires Tea Party Protests to Use Government-Funded Leaf
(April 14, 2009) [PDF p. 16]

Piracy Spurs Obama Calls for Cargo-Ship Reductions
(April 10, 2009) [PDF p. 16]

New York massacre pushes Obama to close gun-free zones
(April 7, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
U.S. to Pump in Cash, if Fiat Buys Out IMF
(April 3, 2009) [PDF p. 20]

March 2009
Obama forces GM chief out, puts Reid, Pelosi on leave
(March 31, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
Geithner’s ‘Legacy Assets Roadshow’ Comes to PBS
(March 24, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
Arlen Specter to cross aisle for 2010 Senate Run
(March 20, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
Barney Frank Bill Would Revoke Bailouts, Reward Competence
(March 17, 2009) [PDF p. 14]
Geithner boosts NASA funds to probe cosmos for bail-out cash
(March 10, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
Embryonic stem cell study promises cure for global warming
(March 10, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
Obama rescue buys new GM car for each new bureaucrat
(March 6, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
Bail out working, AIG soon won’t be too big to fail
(March 3, 2009) [PDF p. 14]

February 2009
Justice Department to force criminals to register illegal guns
(February 27, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
EPA Arrests CNBC’s Rick Santelli, Tea Party Canceled
(Feb. 24, 2009) [PDF p. 14]
EPA to Propose Odd-Even Carbon-Dioxide Rationing
(Feb. 20, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
Geithner to unveil TARP-based Lotto
(Feb. 17, 2009) [PDF p. 14]
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi touts job-creation power of Salt Marsh Mouse
(Feb. 13, 2009) [PDF p. 16]
President Obama pushes for bailout of People’s Republic of China
(Feb. 10, 2009) [PDF p. 16]