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October 14, 2005
Bush: Miers' Critics Can Still Save Face
by Scott Ott

(2005-10-14) -- President George Bush today offered tips to conservative pundits designed to help them save face even before Harriet Miers is confirmed as an associate justice of the Supreme Court.

"Everybody makes mistakes," said Mr. Bush. "I don't think that George Will or Ann Coulter should withdraw from syndication. There's still time for them to pull back and try another approach."

The president suggested that some of the most strident opponents to the Miers appointment could employ self-deprecating humor as a way of conceding their error while maintaining credibility.

"I think it would be almost charming," said Mr. Bush, "if Bill Kristol on Fox News would just slap his forehead and say, 'Harriet converted me. From now on, I'm a neo-pro'."

Meanwhile, the latest ABC-CNN-Gallup poll showed that the popularity rating for professional political commentators remains at plus-or-minus four percent.

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