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August 17, 2005
Sheehan Gets Surprise Visit from Woodstock Artists
by Scott Ott

(2005-08-17) -- Just a mile from President George Bush's Texas ranch, America's favorite protest-mom, Cindy Sheehan, today got a surprise visit from Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, Country Joe McDonald and several members of Sly and the Family Stone.

The impromptu Woodstock reunion was sponsored by the Democrat National Committee and Coca-Cola, after Mrs. Sheehan, whose son died defending freedom in Iraq, told a phalanx of reporters, "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony."

In related news, the grieving woman's agent said that tonight's vigil will include an appearance by Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, who will throw her son's military medals over the fence at the Bush ranch.

Actress Jane Fonda was also scheduled to appear, but her cross-country convoy ground to a halt outside of Houston this afternoon when her bus ran out of Crisco.

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