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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 26, 2004
U.N. May Send Troops to Quell Annan Crisis
by Scott Ott

(2004-11-26) -- The United Nations Security Council today takes up debate on a resolution to send troops to quell the crisis which has shaken the government of Kofi Annan.

"We must send troops to Annan to bring order out of chaos," said one unnamed diplomat. "This regime has presided over financial malfeasance, sexual misconduct and corruption which has cost thousands of lives in several nations. The secretive Annan regime must be replaced by legitimate, democratic governance. To do that, we need blue helmets at once."

U.S. President George Bush said, "We eagerly seek a diplomatic solution to the Annan crisis. But if the Security Council fails to act, the United States will lead a coalition of the willing to cut off the lifeblood of this corrupt and dangerous regime."

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