Dean Proposes United Blanco College Fund
by Scott Ott
(2003-01-02) -- Howard Dean today announced that one of his first acts as president will be to create what he called the "United Blanco College Fund."
The $4 billion fund would provide scholarships to "progressive" universities for promising students who don't yet understand racial issues.
Mr. Dean's announcement followed his remarks to a reporter in South Carolina that, "Dealing with race is about educating white folks."
"The United Blanco College Fund demonstrates my commitment to educating the people whose ignorance results in most racial problems," said Mr. Dean. "We shouldn't disparage these people, who simply suffer from a lack of education. It's clear that 12 years under the tutelage of the National Education Association is insufficient to fully educate white folks. Whether because of genetic factors or poor upbringing, these white folks need our help. After all, a white mind is a terrible thing to waste too."
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