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Scott Ott Premiere Speakers Bureau
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November 17, 2003
Chewable Contraceptive Comes in Feminist Shapes
by Scott Ott

(2003-11-17) -- The new chewable birth control pill approved by the FDA today will soon be marketed in the caricatured shapes of famous women like Kate Michelman and Senators Barbara Boxer and Hillary Clinton.

"We got the idea from the Flintstones vitamins," said an unnamed spokesman for Warner Chilcott, Inc., of Rockaway, N.J., the company that will market the pills for manufacturer Bristol Myers Squibb. "We wanted to pay tribute to some of the women who have devoted themselves to eliminating the scourge of unwanted children from the planet. And this was a fun way to say to young girls that it's okay to be sexually active, but make sure you take one spearmint-flavored feminist everyday."

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