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July 14, 2003
Heredity Caused Death Sentence in 'Bad Blood' Case
by Scott Ott

(2003-07-14) -- Pennsylvania jurors who sentenced Landon May to death in December credit heredity for their decision.

Mr. May, who with an accomplice tortured and murdered a man and woman, and raped the woman, has appealed the sentence on the grounds that he inherited "bad blood" from his father, also a convicted murderer.

The jurors however, say they inherited "good blood" from their parents, genetically predisposing them to serve justice.

"It was fate," said one unnamed jurist, "We couldn't help ourselves. After hearing the evidence of the 200 wounds inflicted on the victims, we sentenced Mr. May to death. We don't deny that he was genetically bent to kill. But he got a jury that was born to convict and to faithfully apply the righteous judgment of the law."

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First! heh heh :P and frankly, i like to think that this is not satire. I'm getting sick of abusers who claimed that its because they were abused themselves.

Posted by: kerrigwen at July 14, 2003 07:49 AM

I like the Law of Hamurabi, let the punishment fit the crime. Rape him then stab him 200 times like May did his victims. Of course that brings images to mind that I would not care to think about. Still, if more criminals met the same fate they dealt out to their victims, there might just possibly be a reduction in violent crimes. Ya think???

BTW second is best, we try harder. LOL

Posted by: Old Sailor at July 14, 2003 08:28 AM

Good one!

Posted by: rita at July 14, 2003 08:53 AM

I just hope he was incarcerated (and soon to be crispy), BEFORE he managed to pass on his "bad blood."
How much is nature, and how much is nurture?
I'm not in favor of genetic screening for pre-disposition to certain health problems. Nor do I think we can go down the very slippery slope of tracking those people whose ancestry points to a propencity for violent crime.
Very Big Brother.

Posted by: some random guy at July 14, 2003 09:20 AM

As an only child, I am against Big Brother.

Nature v Nurture; Nurture v Nature? Obviously both in almost every decision. But the third element that is most important: free will.

Posted by: KJ at July 14, 2003 09:31 AM

Free Willy? Loved it.

Posted by: RBC at July 14, 2003 10:41 AM

According to Leftist psychobabble there is no free will. We are all just puppets of our upbringing, and victims of a cruel oppressive racist society, or we are the cruel oprresssors of women and minorities who know exactly what they are doing in perpetuating the white male dominated greed society.

In short, the only people who have free will and do bad things are people with lots of money and power.

Posted by: some random guy at July 14, 2003 11:24 AM

Even if he was genetically forced to be violent, what sentencing options are there. Surely we can not let someone who can not control his immutable genetic violent tendencies go free.

That would be like me claiming that I am genetically predisposed to not wear pants.

Posted by: The Predestined Pantless Matt Goober Shivers at July 14, 2003 11:54 AM

Re: bipolar disorder, cognitive disorder and borderline personality disorder --

I suggest that we only execute the bad genes/personalities!

Posted by: kewakl at July 14, 2003 12:37 PM

I hope to have lots and lots of free will some day. If anyone would like to help, I accept cash, certified check and all forms of plastic.

Posted by: KJ at July 14, 2003 01:41 PM

This explains why there are second and third generation Southern Democrats.
It's in their blood.

Posted by: Anonymous For Obvious Reasons at July 14, 2003 02:18 PM

Let's see if we can get Dr. Mephisto to engineer us something violent, criminal, and with four a**es.

Or maybe splice pig and elephant DNA, even if the song says they can't.

Posted by: some random guy at July 14, 2003 03:36 PM

Hmmmmmmmmmm ... sliced pig and elephant.

Posted by: Homer Simpson at July 14, 2003 04:33 PM

Now if this murderer has bad blood that predisposes him to sadistic violence, should we not stop at executing him? Does he have any siblings or other close blood relitives we can execute as well? ;-)

Posted by: Frodo at July 14, 2003 05:23 PM

Thank you.

I think I nearly swallowed a bing cherry (complete with stem) from chuckling at this, which I almost wrote about at lunch.

Satire is, at times, so much better than invective.


Posted by: hln at July 14, 2003 06:36 PM

I think we should have a national 'three strikes and you're out' law. I'm also sick of hearing about the 'they did it to me when I was little, so now I do it' argument. If you can't control yourself, you belong in the slammer.

That said, I am genetically predisposed to posting on scrappleface. Not a bad thing, if you ask me. Or if you don't.

Posted by: Ken Stein at July 15, 2003 12:27 AM

If he thinks he's got bad blood NOW, just wait till they fix him up with a lethal injection. Ha Ha Ha! Psyche! Prisoners on death row here in Pa. have a much better chance of dying of old age. I'm still waiting for them to get rid of George Banks, one of the early "maniac killers with a (gasp!) ASSAULT RIFLE!". Back in the 80's, George personally offed his harem of women and most of his own children who he kept together at two locations in and around Wilkes-Barre, Pa., along with a bystander out in the street. And the taxpayer-funded appeals have been rolling in ever since..........

Posted by: Archie's Bunker at July 15, 2003 08:53 AM

What if my blood is OK, but I was born under a bad sign?

Posted by: KJ at July 15, 2003 01:06 PM

Born with some bad genes
I been evil since I began to crawl
If it wasn't for bad blood
I wouldn't have
No blood at all

Posted by: Booker T. Jones/William Bell at July 15, 2003 03:37 PM

I'm surprised no one has quoted Oliver Wendell Holmes, who famously said (in an opinion allowing the sterilization of the mentally retarded), "Three generations of imbeciles is enough."

Posted by: Scipio at July 17, 2003 03:52 PM