July 08, 2003
Islamic Jihad Chosen as 'World's Most Responsible' Group by Scott Ott (2003-07-08) -- Islamic Jihad, a religious organization, was chosen by the United Nations as the "World's Most Responsible" non-governmental organization. The choice of Islamic Jihad was easy, according to a member of the selection committee. Buy "Axis of Weasels," the first book by Scott Ott. $12.95 + S&H; Comments
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Hah! First! Posted by: Netmarcos at July 8, 2003 09:44 AMfirst again... Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 09:44 AMCourtesy of the New York Times: "The White House acknowledged for the first time today that President Bush relied on incomplete and perhaps inaccurate information from U.S. intelligence agencies when he declared, in his State of the Union speech, that Saddam Hussein had attempted to purchase uranium from Africa. Posted by: Frenchman at July 8, 2003 09:45 AMNetmarcos, my 9:44 was before your 9:44, but because your name comes mine alphabetically, well...I demand a recount! Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 09:45 AMFrenchy, get the facts right: Frenchman...sounds so ironic. Irony #2: Arc de Triomphe in Paris. Triumph in WHAT, conquering armies? Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 09:52 AMthe other scott His source WAS the New York Times. We should believe what it says, right? Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 09:57 AMHi-Octane Oxymoron: "The French Paradox" Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 8, 2003 09:59 AMugh.... if i was french i think i would keep it to myself. maybe try to pass myself off as an italian. or maybe an arab. ya know, someone a little more respectable. Posted by: biz at July 8, 2003 10:05 AM...or pass myself off as dead. Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 10:07 AM..or as John F. Kerry. Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 10:12 AMThe French looking senator from Massachusetts asked me to admonish 'The Other Scott' for failing to mention that he is a Vietnam veteran. Posted by: Frodo at July 8, 2003 10:29 AMI have been properly (and quite brutally, I might add...am thinking of calling Amnesty International...) admonished for not noting that Senator John F. Kerry (who is a VietNam veteran, in case you hadn't heard) looks French. Possibly may be French, too. Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 10:32 AMother scott Is there a connection? Coincidence? I smell a vast left-wing conspiracy! Posted by: The Other Scott at July 8, 2003 10:49 AMNot to get off track here (LOL). But this award isn't far from happening. Heck Arafat is probably in the running for 2nd (or 3rd is it) Nobel. I here that after you kill 500 people the award is automatic. Frenchy, leave the Nuke and WMD arguments alone, they will not sway anyone one way or the other. I bet Chirac would love to have Saddam back in power. Another oil for france program might prop up that economy. Posted by: Cyber Sarge at July 8, 2003 11:12 AMit amazes me that france was ever able to colonize anyone. if only the veitnamese had water pistols, they could have ward of those pesky french invaders. Posted by: biz at July 8, 2003 11:56 AMBiz- You are failing to realize the true reasons for French colonization. They sought out any unclaimed country that did not have soap. As they came ashore the locals would be forced to remark "Oh! How fresh smelling you are...compared to those of us who share our huts with livestock!" This allowed the French to spent generations ignoring their own personal filth. Posted by: HokiePokie at July 8, 2003 12:20 PMI think you hit on something there old sarge, it seems the French (and German) economy is so bad and so crippled, that the only way they can make any money is by trading with out law nations and brutal dictators. Posted by: Frodo at July 8, 2003 12:26 PMWell, at least they keep their promises. They say they will blow up people and they do it. Now if they would only blow up a certain cat from the family named Lynch, I would gladly donate to their cause. Me and Mr. Matt Shivers who likes to be called Goober are in agreement on this point.
The No LFC Cat Club is holding its first annual convention in Del Boca Vista Fla next week We have even managed to get Mr Patrick Buchanan to agree to address the crowd on the evils of multilateral feline blogging. Afterwards, we will adjourn to the beach and frolic in the sun. If you would like to attend, contact the Holiday In South, Del Boca Vista Fla. Posted by: Mohamed Al Sufra at July 8, 2003 12:49 PMThe UN has also placed Palestine at the top of its list of the most bestest places to live. Posted by: Watcher at July 8, 2003 12:52 PMCourtesy of the New York Times affiliate The Roswell Daily Record : The Bush White House admitted through spokesperson Carl Spackler that the information President Bush received about Saddam Hussein having attempted to purchase uranium from Africa came from the Dali Lama. 'It was the Dali Lama, himself. Twelfth son of the Lama. The flowing robes, the grace, bald... striking. Well the president had him over for drinks and to discuss the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Well after the drinks the Lama starts to leave. So President Bush says, "Hey, Lama, hey, how about a little something, you know, for the effort, you know?", at which time the Dali Lama revealed what he knew", stated Spackler. Mr. Spackler went on to state that the Dali Lama later apologized for the inaccuracy of his information and promised to make up for it by granting the president total consciousness on his death bed. "The president now has that going for him, which is nice", stated Spackler. "I'd like to thank the Academy, the UN, Skoda for making such good C-4. I'd like to thank Osama for his inspiration, and Saddam for the funding. Most of all, I'd like to thank the Imams and Mullahs for convincing us of the need to blow up grandmothers and school children. And of course I'd like to thank Allah and Mohammed for giving us a religion to corrupt and use to justify murder. Thank you all so much!"
Last nite I had a dream in which I was appointed by the Supreme Deity to decide what is, and is not, funny and/or valid and to communicate my decree to the huddled masses. Therefore, I (Petronius the Arbitor) hereby suggest the following SCRAPPLE RULES OF ENGAGEMENT: ALLOWED: quips or comments on current events or Scrapple stories, poking holes in arguments advanced by other posters, any joke at the expense of John Kerry NOT ALLOWED: ad hominem attacks or unprovoked insults directed at other posters, posting under someone else's name, harrassing a particular poster (in other words, why not lay off LFCat). There is plenty of material out there to make fun of - do we really need to be insulting to each other? Everyone fires off the occasional salvo (especially in self-defense), but I'm not really convinced we need to be gratutiously nasty. (Yes, I realize I have just declared war - as Pres. Bush recently remarked, "Bring it on"...) Posted by: Petronius the Arbitor at July 8, 2003 01:37 PMAfter reading this story, I would have to say, Bill Clinton is a VERY RESPONSIBLE person! He is the person most responsible for the 'deterioration of morality' in America during the period between 1992 and Now! Posted by: Susan Serin-Done at July 8, 2003 02:42 PMMohamed Al Sufra: Hey dude, lay off LFCat! Posted by: Mrs. Ippy at July 8, 2003 02:48 PM>>>NOT ALLOWED: ad hominem attacks or unprovoked insults directed at other posters, posting under someone else's name, harrassing a particular poster (in other words, why not lay off LFCat). Posted by: Petronius the Arbitor on July 8, 2003 01:37 PM Dear Petronius, I agree with ALL of your conditions, except for, posting under someone else's name, as I love to infuriate frenchman. Thank you for your attention, in this matter. I remain, Frenchman Posted by: Frenchman at July 8, 2003 02:55 PMSniping at Mike G is not harassment, neofascists are fair game. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 8, 2003 03:18 PMSRG: Was I reading and imagining Jimmy Carter's voice over Achmed al Achmed????????? No,No, it was Dan Ankroyd's. Sorry. Nevermind. Posted by: gabsboy at July 8, 2003 03:18 PMSRG-BTW: Islam wasn't corrupted. It is evil by its very nature. Read the last paragraphs of Revelations 22:18. Any teachers out there???? Can you ask your class which son Abraham was supposes to sacrifice and get back to me on that one. Thanks. Just doing some research. Gabby, Never trust what one religion says about another. Ouch....good point. (grovel,grovel,grovel....) Posted by: gabsboy at July 8, 2003 03:36 PMThe vicious and intemperate comments in this thread are further examples that you are all tools of the international Zionist conspiracy which has spread its tentacles everywhere to feast on the blood of innocent Palestinian children. Posted by: Go Lance Go at July 8, 2003 04:13 PMI agree with all of Petronius' rules. I get very confused when some people post as others. Posted by: Frenchman's Girl at July 8, 2003 04:17 PMPetronius: LFCat's attacks are not what I would call unprovoked. That annoying kid (MattWhatEverHeCallsHimselfNow) has been stealing everyone's screen names and being a general PITA (pain in the ***.) Frenchman, Max, Mattwhatshisface, and Comical Rummy are also fair game. As BTS (Big Time Sublime) said, Mike G. is fair game. Do not, however, confuse him with Mike S. Posted by: Ken Stein at July 8, 2003 04:44 PMKen: I was trying to stick up for LFCat - that was the primary reason I added "unprovoked" before attacks. De Cat has been berry, berry good to me :) This is what prompted the Arbitor post: "IMPORTANT LFC UPDATE The No LFC Cat Club is holding its first annual convention in Del Boca Vista Fla next week We have even managed to get Mr Patrick Buchanan to agree to address the crowd on the evils of multilateral feline blogging." Sincerely, Petronius Its not that I want to harass Mike G., I just can't help it, my mind being controlled by "Big Zion" and me being a tool of complicated conspiracies I can't perceive or understand. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 8, 2003 06:52 PMKen, Petronius...awww shucks...purrrr purrrr. Thanks for looking out for me & makin' afuss over me. Some people have this tude toward cats ya know....Some people just have a tude & no social skills....You guys like me...you really, really like me!! (:~}) Want some catnip?...may I catch you a mouse?.. As for that pest: "talk to the furry [], troublemaker". tee heee heee Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 8, 2003 07:14 PMsrg Mohammed claimed that Christ was a prophet but not divine. But Christ claimed to be divine. So Mohammed claimed that the New Testament was revised or reauthored about 300 years after Christ died, and his divinity was essentially added. In other words, Mohammed claimed that Christ didn't really claim to be divine, but Christians later made that claim for him. Then we found the Dead Sea Scrolls and related findings. We have found original manuscripts of the Gospels dated to 70-120 A.D., which is within the time period of people who knew Christ. These manuscripts have the same language as the New Testament today. Christ was claiming his status as the Son of God in these works. The point: if the prophet on whom you base your religion can't accurately state history, your religion is false. Posted by: Zeus at July 8, 2003 08:58 PMCats are cool - even if I'm allergic to them. Posted by: Cassandra at July 8, 2003 10:26 PMAaa-aaa-aaaaaaa-CHOO Posted by: Cassandra at July 8, 2003 10:27 PMLong story short: I had friends who breed cats, including siamese. They had one injured as a kitten by momma, gave it to us. We bred twice (since we were going to breed it, I named it Moll Flanders), made a few dollars, then it had to be fixed for medical reasons. Everytime it was in heat, it urinated on something that belonged to me - batting gloves, dictaphone (that was an unpleasant surprise as I started to dictate a brief one day), briefcase. But my wife liked that mean [] cat. Then it started attacking her belly when she was pregnant, and it was gone. Some cats are cool (like the UK Wildcats and LFC). But my general rule is don't get one unless you want your stuff to smell like urine. Posted by: KJ at July 8, 2003 10:41 PMHey Gabs, I hate to get off topic but this is one of my Pet-Peeves. It is the book of Revelation. No "s". (According to every version of the Bible I have.) Nothing personal, just want to make sure you don't sound ignorant when you are making a good point. Other Peeves (As if you're interested): According to our President, the word Nuke-U-lar actually exists. This is the biggest beef I can come up with against "W". Correct Pro. Nuke-Lee-Ur. Irregardless: This is not, I repeat, not an actual word. If you are thinking of using it in conversation, substitute "regardless" because that is normally what you really mean. Real-I-ty: Also not a word. Try "realty" instead. Pro: Real-Tee. Also see Real-Tor. Thanks for the forum, and everyone keep posting on the stuff that Really matters instead of just your "Peeves". Johnny Posted by: Johnny - Oh at July 8, 2003 11:13 PMJohnny, Have you ever been in other areas of the country (much less other countries) where the English that is spoken is slightly different, be in in accents or in pronunciation? The word dialect ring a bell at all? Merriam-Webster (among others--check the Internet for definitions and pronunciation...it's a wonderful thing) shows 3 differing pronunciations for "nuclear", and yours is merely one of them.
Scott, Yup, I checked out the site and found (If I read the symbol of "&" right.) 'n¸-klE-&r;, 'ny¸-, ˜-ky&-l&r;, that Nuke-U-Lar is also correct. But if I'm not seeing things, this is only two pronunciations. I think the comma after 'ny¸- might be a mistake. The main reason that Nuke-U-Lar sounds stupid to me is that I learned how to pronounce words by "Sounding them out" way back in first grade. Therefore, according to my education, "Nuclear" would be pronounced as the first "Pro:" from Merriam Webster indicates. I wholeheartedly agree that this is ,for the most part, a trivial argument, but making yourself understood in the language of our country WITHOUT sounding like you ar an uneducated bumpkin, I believe is important. Johnny Johnny, By your own standard, then, we could also pronounce it "New-Clear", but that's not quite right, is it? I think the bigger part is how you are hearing it, how you've decided to hear it: you hear it as "Nuke-u-lar", but in the same pronunciation, I hear as "new-cu-lar" because of the accent. Having worked in the nuke industry (but not since the end of 1992) in different areas of the country, there is no difference..just accents. Another example...sort of...my ancestors immigrated from coal-mining England towards the end of the 1800's and settled in Montana. To this day, my grandfather (and it's been 3 generations before him) says pronounces "at all" as "a-tall", just like they do back in England still. The reality is they are saying the same words, we just hear them differently. Posted by: The Other Scott at July 9, 2003 02:02 AMSo english dudes! What does all that have to do with the Islamic JEE=hawd or jee=HAWD anyway? Jimmy Cawter was a nuke-u-ler man, too. He was a peanut farmer--not a tuh-MAW-toh or even Ken, by the way on a related note the "some random guy on July 8, 2003 03:33 PM " comment was spot on. Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 9, 2003 06:09 AMlmao@rummy Even I think Rummy is a windbag. Posted by: Allah at July 9, 2003 08:24 AMLFC and his cohorts all residing in that split personality skull need to learn to get along, or at least make some of the weaker ones move out, or perhaps kill not just mearly wound. -- Its his running shtick folks --- He attacks himself, so don't be overly bothered by it. Me personally I hold religious compunctions against impersonating an idiot... err stealing the name of someone else for a post. It's bad for the digestion. Posted by: Fr. Guido Sarducci at July 9, 2003 08:26 AMSo I am a scrapple thought criminal biz, Zeus, Does that make it true? The Jews didn't agree either. Does that make their religion false? And despite your assertation, the Koran doesn't thrive on killing any more than the Bible does. I also have trouble with calling the Gospels "history." Doesnt the old testament warrant death for eating shell fish and participating in sodomy? Posted by: Mike G at July 9, 2003 09:02 AMEver notice that with the liberals, anything that you believe or do that they don't agree with is labeled as being motivated by "hate"? I'll state this way: it's not Islam intrinsically that I hate, it is groups that claim to be Islamic that deal only with violence and terror. Regardless of their beliefs, we have an obligation, not motivated by hate, to be rid of them. Posted by: The Other Scott at July 9, 2003 09:12 AMhey OS, just trying to fit in ! Comical Rummy: If it is Yitzhak Shamir you refer to in the 2nd, he didn't do much as prime minister, if I recall. So I'd have to say those were two fairly poor examples...and no, no hate there. Posted by: The Other Scott at July 9, 2003 09:28 AMWhat of our brothers over in Ireland? OS, http://www.cdiss.org/terror_1940s.htm December 29 Shamir murdered the UN peace negotiator i love you rummy!!!!!!!!!! your imam, *israel Posted by: biz at July 9, 2003 09:57 AM1 mans terrorist is another mans freedon fighter. I never said anything about the Koran and killing. Someone else did. The Old and New Testament are filled with history and statements about history. Some used to argue that King David was religious myth like King Arthur. But there have now been discovery of non-biblical sources referring the great kingdom of David. Solomon and his Jewish kingdom has been discovered in non-biblical sources. Even cities were claimed to be myth by some. References to the real cities of Sodom, and (this is one of the hardest stories for me to believe if one wishes to take a fairly literal view of the Bible) even Babal have been discovered. Jewish priests are supposedly all decended from Aaron, brother of Moses. This was believed to be a myth by sceptics. DNA has since shown that all such priests have a common ancestor, even black Jewish priests claiming their tribe was Jewish (a migration that had not been documented). More could be discussed, and the prophecies of the Old and New that should have happened by now have proven true (and many are easily understood -- eg, this specific town will be destroyed by this group in about 1400 years, and fishing nets will be cast on the rock where the town used to sit -- it happened, and the fishing nets dry on that rock this very day), but that is another chapter. The history of the Old and New has, when proven either way, been proven true. Is the Jews religion fasle? No. Christianity could not be right unless the Old Testament is right. But Christians must believe they are incorrect when they say Christ was not the messiah proclaimed by Isaiah. A simple reason is, if Christ was not the messiah, then how can the yet to come messiah walk into the temple, which Christ did as prophecied, but has since been destroyed? Religion can be faith in spite of fact. But if you are Christian, it is nice that it doesn't have to be. No other faith can withstand the same scrutiny. BTW, we can all go to the original Jewish law and find things we consider absurd today. Christ relieved us from the law with grace. Just because you believe in the Christian faith, it does give you the right to demean others. It is OK to believe that you are right, and the Jews, Muslims, homosexuals, Frenchman, Commical Rummy, and others are not. You can witness your faith and be gracious to everyone -- you aren't better than anyone b/c you are saved. Well, maybe not Frenchman and Commical Rummy. If this statement were about a conservative political philosophy, and not a religious one, few of the regulars here would be upset at all. Did I mention that the Greek gods never invested in a spell checker? Posted by: Zeus at July 9, 2003 10:02 AM[deleted] Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 9, 2003 10:03 AMRummy (who is very comical): My math would make that 10 years. Your other stuff, no facts, just suppositions. As such, there really can be no debate. However, we have an abundance of facts that show certain Islamic factions are absolutely involved in terrorism not for any true political purpose, but because of their hatred of us or what we stand for. But, if you and Mike G. really do believe they are a peaceful bunch, I wholeheartedly suggest that go to the Middle East for a while to visit. Try Syria, maybe even Yemen to see how loving they are. Posted by: The Other Scott at July 9, 2003 10:20 AMThe Bible in the Old Testament (Leviticus particularly) prescribes death as judgement under law (civil penalty) for the following (not all-inclusive list, its been a while since I memorized them all): So when judged under the Law, we would all be worthy of death. Christ indeed claimed Deity, and died for the purpose that we might be adopted sons of God, and our death legally covered in Christ. In a Christian's forgiveness by God of an unpayable debt we owe forgiveness to all offenders of ourselves. Good thing that old book of rules was just hobbled together out of the musings of ignorant sheperds. Is that not the claim of the agnostic or atheist? I realize that the conduct of Christians is usually the largest disincentive to belief. The second is probably the texts of scripture that appear irrelevant or harsh. I base my belief on the self-reports of the radical changes of the persons who knew Jesus. The half-brother of Jesus, James for example. What would it take for you to get down on your face and worship as God, one of your siblings? Would you choose death as the alternative to denial of your sibling's deity? From a psychological perspective, people don't adopt their siblings as God, themselves maybe, or strangers, their siblings they just know their conduct too well and are certainly willing to judge them. Rules of Engagement
OS, Sorry, but I see all religions as a bunch of hooey. And while much good is done in the name of religion, a equal amount of evil is done in the name of the same faith. Other Scott Let me ask you other scott. rummy bizmatic Posted by: biz at July 9, 2003 10:42 AMAnd the Pals also see "Made in the USA" on the M-16s that many of them carry. Some Random Guy: exactly. But I do not think you are allowed to point things out like that, since it really hurts their arguments. But, again, facts tend to do that. rand and OS, The theological discussion is great. Funny how it seems more logical than CR. Posted by: KJ at July 9, 2003 11:26 AMWhere do these m-16s come from? kj CR, MG, What is point u r trying to make? And, CR, know how many billion # mr. A. has tucked away in Swiss and other bank accounts (u no which mr.A. I mean)? And what he spends it on? Go read first and study more history and reflect, b4 typing "ins blaue hinein". Dear Petronius Arbitor, Talking about High Culture, Titus Petronius was ArbitEr (Elegantiae) and not ArbitOr... Please believe that any highly educated person would have noted this and conclude yourself about the level of education in the USA. Cordialement, Posted by: Frenchman at July 9, 2003 11:42 AMLN sincerly regarding frenchmans last post: Man, this Middle East stuff is depressing. Anyone heard any good Rachel Corrie jokes lately? Posted by: gabsboy at July 9, 2003 11:48 AMmike g Religion is so important, because without it no one could justify murder, and this place would get way too crowded. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 9, 2003 12:02 PMbiz, Thanks for clarifying my point (was out to get a bite for dinner). No need to add more. Or, on 2nd thought: CR, ever added up the moneys UNHRWA spent on the Pal's and how UNsuccesfull they have been at that in the past 55 years? Could be that went via via to A's pockets and still sits there. LN Posted by: LN at July 9, 2003 12:19 PMFrenchman: re:Talking about High Culture, Titus Petronius was ArbitEr (Elegantiae) and not ArbitOr.... Please believe that any highly educated person would have noted this and conclude yourself about the level of education in the USA. Why do you insist on being so condescending and insulting? Do you enjoy it? It is unfortunate, since it reinforces a common negative stereotypical image of the French which (I hope) does not apply to the majority of your countrymen/women. I know how to spell arbiter - the variant spelling was intentional and was used to invoke the image of a space alien because that seemed funnier. In fact, the tone of the post was supposed to be humorous, even though I was serious about wishing people would concentrate more on the arguments and less on being insulting. Sadly, this message seems to be lost on you. I make no claim to be highly educated, but I can spell and I also know how to be civil, even to those I disagree with. Cordialement, Petronius Maximus Posted by: Petronius at July 9, 2003 12:20 PMDearest Zeus; I believe in you. I have been sacrifising oxen to you on feast days. If you are for real, show me a miracle. Please send me lots of drachma so I can buy more oxen. Please note, the BBQ sauce is strictly to fool the neighbors as they are followers of that false god Odin. We also are forced to eat the evidence. Danjo CR, MG, You two crazy kids are blaming others of being motivated by hate while being anti-Semitic. Now that's humor!! Iím suspicious of anyone who canít at least see the other sideís argument. You two keep bringing up the atrocities committed by Israel, but I havenít heard one word castigating the Palestinian terrorists. Not one word about how the Palestinians are right next to Israel because they got kicked out of Jordan (because of a failed coup attempt), not because they have some ancient claim to the land. You two are perfect liberals; you see only the left side. You canít see the other side at all; logic and learning are lost on you. I on the other hand am more balanced. I see both sides, I listen to the arguments on both sides and then make my judgment. I realize that Israel has done wrong in the past (what country hasnít) and it is not a perfect country. But what I see today is Palestinians targeting & murdering innocent Jewish women and children. Today I see Islamic extremists wanting to kill all Americans and all Jews. To that I say we have the right & duty to defend ourselves. SRG ñ LOVED your 7-8-03 1:31PM post. Mmmmm...oxen. Dibs on any and all vestal virgins! Thank you ln and Biz for the clarity. 2 men in sanfrancisco were watching a dog lick his scrotum. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Posted by: Mike G at July 9, 2003 01:23 PMFrenchman quotes the NY Times and Comical Funny pretends not to be a muslim. Maybe both are just two personalities bound in the same oriental body. Frenchman surrenders with his every quote and Comical Funny fares in simplistic anti-judaism. To me they sound like an arab frenchie, defined by utter hypocricy, lack of morals, anti-semitism and hate for western cultures. Frenchman..."western cultures"...hardly defines France being part of it. ;-) France path of success leads to handing out passports to Saddam's cronies, arresting Iran's opposition, surrendering to its own muslim minority, Chirac kissing Mugabe's cheeks tenderly and being beaten on every battlefield pretty badly. Merging with the arab world might be a pretty clever idea to you, but...praising Jerry Lewis as genius is as well, so who really cares for french opinions? ;-) Posted by: DissidentKraut at July 9, 2003 01:51 PMReminds me of a joke about the Georgia bulldog. It's better if you imagine the conversation in a Southern drawl. Back in the day, U of Georgia had made the playoffs and the game was going to be televised. This was still relatively new, so everyone was really excited about being on TV. During halftime, the band was playing, the cheerleaders were bouncing, and the GA bulldog was lead solemnly out into the middle of the football field. The camera panned in for a closeup of the famous mascot. Everything was looking great until the bulldog suddenly sat down and starting licking his private parts -- right there on national TV. Two of the Georgia coaches were standing on the sidelines. One, watching the bulldog, said, "Man, don't you wish you could do that?" The other coach, looking puzzled and scratching his head, replied... "That dog would biiiiite you!" Posted by: Cassandra at July 9, 2003 01:56 PMHey Scott (Ott), how about a new thread. This one has been invaded with the dreaded "Libs are Here" disease. You know, all rant and no humor. Thanks Posted by: Old Sailor at July 9, 2003 01:59 PMCassandra, as a graduate of The Georgia Institute of Technology, I really appreciate that one. It is about the mentality that one finds at the University of Georgia. LOL :>} Posted by: Old Sailor at July 9, 2003 02:02 PMWho is Jerry Lewis? Posted by: Max at July 9, 2003 02:23 PMAthens Ga on an autumn saturday afternoon.... Matt Goober Shrivers: Kumbaya my Lord...Kumbaya....feel the love. Seriously, deal! I'd shake hands with you and LFCat, but I'm allergic. I can't believe you're dissing Oprah - if I watched her show I'd be whacked off, but since I dislike her intensely, go for it. Posted by: Some other poster at July 9, 2003 02:40 PMMikeG: UGA is in Athens (Georgia, not Greece). Ga. Tech. is in Atlanta. Old Sailor, being a Tech. grad, went to school in Atlanta. If he went to Athens, it was probably to stir up trouble or find a good looking co-ed. It is a safe bet that Tech fans don't want to lick the private parts of their mascot, the Yellow Jacket. Own a bulldog, huh? Compensating? Posted by: KJ at July 9, 2003 02:48 PMCompensating for what son? FWIW: no bulldogs were harmed in the making of my last post. Posted by: Cassandra at July 9, 2003 03:20 PMFINE -- my second-to-last post. (July 9, 2003 01:56 PM) Posted by: Cassandra at July 9, 2003 03:21 PM"...but didnt they stop playing each other in football just recently?" I don't think so. The game is usually nationally televised as an ESPN night game. Too much money, and too legit of a college rivalry, to just dump. I'll ask a fan of one of the schools to be sure and report if I am wrong. Since I live in Atl, I am surrounded by these fans. I have heard UGa fans complaining about the new football schedules though. UK/UGA games used to be in October. When the game was in Lexington, UGa fans liked to travel to the game b/c it was during Keeneland racing season. The games have been moved to a different part of the season, outside of racing season. Posted by: KJ at July 9, 2003 03:30 PMFirst! ***** I won't be around for a few days and I'll probably miss the next post. Could the person in position to enter the first comment on the next thread please cut and paste this in there on my behalf? Thanks in advance. Posted by: mooka at July 9, 2003 03:33 PMI have a feeling that since the inception of the sec championship game that the series was discontinued but again I cant confirm this without the schedules in front of me. Mike G., Regarding your post, "..the jew hating, neo nazi, commie, pinko, fag". You cannot claim any special status or treatment for being a "fag" as it has been established in a previous discussion that everyone is gay. Happy Pride Day! Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 9, 2003 04:26 PMPetronius the Arbitor, While I appreciate your heart felt gesture of brotherly fellowship and admit that you being a personal choice of the Supreme Deity,may have some very high placed connections to our detriment. We are simply trying to create an atmosphere of humility and generosity that places them on a level and equal footing. Consider the FrenchÖ. Anyway...., Now - that I have shocked you back in to the harsh realities of liberalism, I could go on for hours with various summations and examples but I simply wonít ñ that would make me a waster of your and my time and I wouldn't dare to be that liberal. I myself and many other Scrapplers are here to build the liberal self esteem up to a point, where it can cure itself. We donít want them to become less equipped to deal with reality than they already are. The work of a true conservative is never done, yet in the end, these medical breakthroughs and spontaneous, political put downs, will be a welcome catharsis for all members of the liberal situation. Respectfully, Dr. Harden Stuhl M.D,B.A,PHD, (Mostly BS), Rules of Engagement
Posted by: Matt Goober Shivers (Wearing PAnts by court order) and offering a Truce because I have a life on July 9, 2003 10:30 AM
Maybe it's that you are a sick, lib, anti-Christian, weirdo, that, (as has been pointed out before), only wants to see what he/she/IT, agrees with, and wants to stiffle others thoughts that disagree with, he/she/IT! If this is the case then, SHUT UP, WE are NOT amused by you, you LIB biased Dim weirdo. Go kiss piglosi, oor hillary's []! What do you call a man with no arms or legs, laying on your porch? MATT! Quote:Doesnt the old testament warrant death for eating shell fish and participating in sodomy? Please feel free tp experiment. http://www.fresh-fish-online.com/shellfish.htm http://www.lambdalegal.org/cgi-bin/iowa/documents/record?record=275 [State by State Sodomy Update] Posted by: Angel of Death at July 9, 2003 05:16 PMGeorgia Tech and Georgia still will play Thanksgiving. I could go into the grear teams that Ga. Tech has had compared to the one great team Georgia had several decades ago. BUT; this is Scrappleface where satire reigns supreme and it would not be apropo, huh, Georgia and football is satire!! Oh well. Back to the lib baiting. Posted by: Old Sailor at July 9, 2003 05:42 PMOuch! Glad I'm not a Georgia alum... Posted by: Cassandra at July 9, 2003 05:44 PM100 and 18th. Angel, Do you have to eat shellfish while engaging in sodomy or just do both with some time period (5 hours or 3 days or something?) or can you be killed for just doing one of them? What about sodomy with a shellfish, thats what responsible groups like Islamic Jihad would do, don't you think? And eating raw oysters is kind of like... Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 10, 2003 12:40 AMLet's stick a fork in this one (no, not the shellfish, or the sodomizer, for that matter)...it's DONE! Posted by: The Other Scott at July 10, 2003 01:58 AMLN, this Arafat is a billionaire spoof was recently proposed by some Israeli general - well he would say that wouldn't he ? Its often claimed that Brit intel made the claim 10 years ago, in fact I chased down the magazine article the claim was made in and it offered no evidence at all for this - just some pro-Israel shooting off. I'm afraid its just a ludicrous pro-Israel slur you've fallen for - like the arafat is gay claim made by Pacepa. ynot, Ethnic Cleansing? Muaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! What do the Israelis know about executing Ethnic Cleansing? We would have been done with the Palestinians back in 1949. Does Hamas pay you enough for your foolish postings? Posted by: Dark Riders from Czarna Gora at July 10, 2003 07:31 AMrummy, Dark, Glad you liked the post, Biz, I was worried when you said the other day I sickened you - I'm obviously very concerned for your health. In the name of Mooka (see post waaaaay above) I post here ....LAST (so far today). I undertake to post first in the name of Mooka if I get lucky enough to post first on the next blog, during my randomly timed reviews of this site during the day. So as the Great George Secundus said recently, "Bring 'em on!" by the way, who the heck is this Mooka? Posted by: Carolinian at July 10, 2003 08:09 AMrummy I dunno Biz Perhaps we are not communicating with each other. We meant Ethinic Cleansing as in KILLING. Not merely letting their Arab Neighbors frighten them into fleeing to safety after the Israelis captured a few hilltop villages. With teachers like the SS the Israelis could have killed HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Arabs and "Palestinians" before 1949 and left very few SURVIVORS to claim any right of return. Posted by: Dark Riders at July 10, 2003 08:56 AMBiz, Dark, but yes their were plenty of massacres in fact I named 2 notorious ones. mikeg USA and Israel have something in common : They are both populated by colons who stole a Land and who now pretend that God gave it to them. Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 09:18 AMFrenchman why do you pollute the earth with your bull? God almighty if there is one tribe of people that really need a good talking to or as grady said in the shining""perhaps more than a talking to mr torrance"" its the french. Posted by: Mike G at July 10, 2003 09:31 AMfrance will fall. and it will be a joy to watch. see if the USA will save ya. Posted by: biz at July 10, 2003 09:35 AMMG, CR, Let's close this name calling down, sober up and do some history research before we "are not communicating" (q. Dark) again. some hints for further study (in sources pro and con!): CR at July 10, 2003 05:33 AM You - you've got so many twists in your thinking, I almost give up posting:
Last but not least: Thanks for the break already, LN, you accuse me of twists in thinking when I quote your phrase ? funny you think that Israel electing terrorists and Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Pals indicated its not " perfect country" but you balk when I apply that phrase to Pal terrorism ! what did you want to discuss on the PLO manifesto ? "- find the record you cite for this 2/3 Pal majority." the Pals in Palestine were mainly indigenous or for the main part had lived there for centuries and your point that the Israelis had ancestors their 2000+ years ago is ludicrous: where else has a land claim been based on that ? the Pals rejected the partition plan because they realised the Israelis wanted ALL of Palestine: Ben Gurion always said he intended to use the Israeli state as a bridgehead to get it all. I gues the Pals learned from the Cherokee Indians who in the 1820's agreed to partition with Pres Andrew Jackson where they got the west of the Mississippi theirs " while grass grew and water ran": where is their state now ? I said 100,000s were ethnically cleansed and tell me how do you think 1200,000 native Pals suddenly disappeared. maybe only 1000s were killed in the various massacres and even Martin Gilbert accepts these occured: check him on Deir Yassin for instance. go on, tell me about the Jews in Arab countries ! and how this justifies Israel's record Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 10, 2003 10:57 AMFrenchman, Yes, it is our country. Our ancestors came here from other lands, killed, drove off, or conquered the natives and settled down. Jusr like the Gauls did to the Celts, and the Romans did to the Gauls, not to mention the Goths, Visigoths, and Normans. Comments? Posted by: some random guy at July 10, 2003 10:58 AMDear Mike G, Is Stanley Kubrick your only possible cultural reference ? Cordialement, Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 11:01 AMthe gauls were celts, rand Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 10, 2003 11:06 AMNa mon amie Dear Some Random Guy, I say that Indians were ethnically cleansed and that it is the main difference with Celts, Romans, Goths and many others who fought and later mixed together. And I hate your Western movies in wich Indians are bad and CowBoys are good ;-) Cordialement, Posted by: Frenchman at July 10, 2003 11:07 AMby the way, LN, before I go you accuse me of "bias" are you claiming you're not biased in favour of Israel then ? french rummy You guys are sucking the fun right out of satire. Why don't you take your self righteous attitudes and your brilliant ideas over to the Middle East and solve some of the problems. Those that can - do - those that can't -incessantly blog. Obviously no one is learning from your vast repertoire of useless brain drizzle .History repeats itself and so do you. Frankly the 6,302,309,691 of us sharing space in the world with you are getting sick of it. Your ideas are stale. There is nothing worse than an armchair blogger who sits in a cubicle and thinks he can solve the worldís problems. The world doesn't revolve around your great wisdom and knowledge. If your ideas were so relevant then you would be in a position of power and able to turn the cogs of injustice. You arenít! The reason why you canít is that you are just blue collar, and white collar average smoes, living in a world that would discard you in a second, if someone didnít need you to pick up their laundry. Get use to hearing this ìLight starch in the collar pleaseî. These are the words of destiny. This is the path you have been given. Posted by: Really Indignant Laundry Guy at July 10, 2003 12:31 PMPS. Now if you will excuse me I have to go and put more soap in machine number 3. Posted by: Really Indignant Laundry Guy at July 10, 2003 12:37 PMThank you for enlightening us laundry guy,you speak err write excellant english for a chinaman Posted by: Mike G at July 10, 2003 12:46 PMAbominable Dummy, EVIDENCE - Check your first post Dummy, you accuse others of ìhateî three times. Oops, your lies are catching up to you! So you shed a tear when people call the Pals ìanimalsî, thatís so touching. Maybe you need a trip to Oprah for a quick cathartic awakening. Here we go again Dummy, you have nothing but bad things to say about Israel, and you spend your time defending the Pals ñ ìthey are fighting a war of survival against ethnic cleansers.î You need to realize that some of the Pals are terrorists, until you post something that shows you understand that there are deficits on both sides, I will assume (as wiser scrapplers have already ascertained) that you are an Arab, a Muslim, a Pal, or at least an anti-Semite. One more thing Dummy, you were so quick to point out name calling "Pals are animals" and that that saddens you. If your brave enough, answer this question ñ What do you think of the entire middle east population being taught throughout their lives that Jews are ìDevilsî and ìPigsî and ìTreacherousî and that Jews use Palestinian childrenís blood for pastries? Does that bother you at all? Or is that just a good heads-up to inform the innocent Arabís about the pure-evil of Israel? I do hesitate to label someone ñ but youíre very slanted against Israel. It makes it hard to glean any decent information from you because you are the extreme. Biz doesnít take the abuse you do for exactly that reason, he admits that he is currently pretty anti-Israel but that he thinks very lowly of the Pals too. This is more even-handed. You on the other hand are the biggest Pal-cheerleader Iíve ever experienced. AH-HAH!! ATTENTION SCRAPPLERS: Comical Rummy is actually Yaser Arafatís information minister. I'm not Chinese - I am from Taiwan. You really have to address your issues MikeG. Not all laundry owners are oriental. The "No tickee - no laundry" satire may be funny in a Mel Brooks movie but we know it for what it is - he is making fun of racists. You on the other hand selectively pick out culture after culture and single out their sterotypes. The only good that can come out of that is, they might be doing it to you. No Soup for you! Posted by: Really Indignant Laundry Guy at July 10, 2003 01:17 PMLaundry, May I have some soup? Favorite Mel Brooks film: History of the World, Part 1. Oh, and Frenchy? The Gauls (or Galli) displaced the Celts in France. Check the book "The Celts" by Frank Delaney, Grafton Books, 1986. REALLY Ignorant Laundry Guy, But you ARE Asian so Mike G was pretty close huh? It sounds like you are kind of sensitive about it too. You should grow up, what are you 15-16? Scrapplers will not save the planet, WHAAA? I've been misled; I'm going to sue Scott Ott for false advertising. I really thought I was an important international figurehead making and affecting policy decisions. I canít thank you enough for your hand in my epiphany, and the way you get my whites SOOO white. And you are some Rockefeller type guy because you own a laundry mat??? Now whose being naive. It sounds to me like bitterness from your undeveloped potential is spilling out through your posts. Get down on your knees and kiss the ground that is America!!! Posted by: Ynot at July 10, 2003 01:42 PMIndigent Laundry Guy ynot, "you have nothing but bad things to say about Israel" "What do you think of the entire middle east population being taught ..." yep well I don't know about the entire middle east population but when it occurs its wrong. you see thats the difference between a moderate like me and you ! Srg, Have to go with Blazing Saddles - but then from my own personal experience, Ynot Use your Brain More Often, It is called Parody. MikeG, By the way, And in conclusion I must get back to machine number 4, but it goes without saying, you sirs are the biggest Lutzís I have ever had the displeasure to encounter. I donít mean that in a "figure skating' descriptive. yo rand, actually it was me who said the Gauls were Celts this link suggests the Gauls were Celts, it doesn't sound like a kosher academic site though Laundry Guy - I got it.Even if they didn't.I am only 15. I will be 16 soon. Does that mean they don't like kids? Why do they keep telling us to go away?Are those men evil? Wow I just noticed something if you take the "E" from evil and place it at the end - it spells "vile". They should should write "evil" on a piece of paper and hold that word up in the mirror. Posted by: Really Offended 15 year Old at July 10, 2003 03:53 PMMan, this Middle East stuff is depressing. Anyone heard any good Rachel Corrie jokes lately? Posted by: gabsboy on July 9, 2003 11:48 AM
"A Tank!" Posted by: Comical Mike G at July 10, 2003 04:49 PMCR- Thank you for agreeing with me, we are both OK. You admitted you are driven by hate AND you admitted you have nothing but bad things to say about Israel. Of course you rationalize it with ìredressing the balanceî but motives aside, you are an anti-Semtie. You did finally admit that what many Arabs are being taught is wrong ñ quick check your copy of the Koran as it may be on fire due to your treason. This might sting a little, you said ìI'd like to say you're the biggest ISraeli cheerleader I've ever met.î CR ñ go find even one thing Iíve posted that would lead you to believe that, I DARE YOU!! I have not lauded Israel once; I simply tried to balance your extremely biased views. Now that you admit you are a terrible distorter of truth and justice, and you love all Arabís and hate all Jews, you can start to grow. RILG ñ Please donít come back - PLEASE. But if you do, could you recommend my writing skills to Mr. Marceau, I would love that gig. If only average schmoes (not smoes) are blogging, whatís your excuse? Did you expect us to stop posting because some one-timing arrogant self-important whiner tells us we are not solving the worldís problems. You have incredible nerve, are you really Frenchman (oxymoron)? Laundry Dude, I liked "Blazing Saddles", but my favorite scene from a Brooks movie is, from "Young Frankenstein", where the monster, (Peter Boyle) meets the blind man, (Gene Hackman). Seeing the original "Frankenstein" movie is a must, to fully appreciate the scene! P.S. Laundry Guy, Are you also a M.D.? Posted by: Susan Serin-Done, Just Asking! at July 10, 2003 05:21 PMYnot, Are you really that humorless? How do you get the nerve impulses in your brain to send signals to your funny bone? Please stop trying to hurt my feelings. Canít you see I am very sensitive person? It may be true that when it comes to public coping skills, you arenít at the level of most people, but I am not so cruel, that I would want you to be confused. Your ability to make an occasional point, is not like being able to carry on a normal conversation. You just arenít that consistent. Be glad that I cared enough to help you when no one else would. When I mentioned you to consider yourself irrelevant I didnít mean I was leaving ñ I just meant you were irrelevant. I was being kind to you. I was bringing attention to your insignificance. I am a great motivator. I care about people. I care about my customers. The funny thing about my whole diatribe was that I was being satirical about everyone posting. I couldn't care less what you post. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are entitled to your own level of silliness. I donít agree with everything Comical Rummy says but at least he is funny. He certainly has a right to his opinions.Unfortunately, so do you.But - I was making fun of all of us. We are all getting too serious. That was the indignant part of the story. Try to stay awake during the reflective moments. I know itís hard. I didnít even single you out with those comments. You volunteered your own insecurities. I donít even work in a laundry. Do you finally get it? I had such high hopes for you. Sometimes you can be so conservative. MikeG has his own set of problems. Maybe you guys should get together and start a support group for people that go bonk, when they hit there heads together.
But do allow me the kindness to let you know what a smee is, considering that I have captured your short attention span. If you canít appreciate the help I am offering you -Learn your public coping skills somewhere else ñ I have shirts to clean . For the second time now - you are irrelevant. PS. Where do you get your shirts cleaned? I am running a two for one special. You give me two and I give you back one. Posted by: Really Indignant Laundry Guy at July 10, 2003 08:24 PMsan Serin-Done, Just Asking!, I agree that was hysterical. RILG - Thanks for the advice Posted by: Ynot at July 10, 2003 09:14 PMMike G: No thanks. If you asked EX-president (oh, how I love the sound of that) Clinton, he'd probably say yes, but not me. I am an eeeeeevil Right-Wing Neanderthal regarding that issue. And by the way, I haven't been called Kenny for quite a while.
Ken: PETSE (Peepul for the ethikal treetment of self esteams) is watching you. Posted by: PETSE at July 10, 2003 11:30 PMI stand corrected: USA and Israel have something in common : They are both populated by colonists who stole a Land and who now pretend that God gave it to them. Posted by: Frenchman on July 10, 2003 09:18 AM Posted by: Frenchman at July 11, 2003 04:22 AMynot, ". You admitted you are driven by hate AND you admitted you have nothing but bad things to say about Israel." you are costantly defending Israel: in your 1st post on this board you accuse anyone condemning Israels record as antisemitic, you trot out the old line that "we" apparently including Israel are merely defending themselves against terror and try and deny the Pals right to their homeland. you also refuse to condemn - despite my invitation - Israeli leaders when they endorse genocide. what is it that you like about Yossef then ? if its not that he's israeli is it his liking for genocide that appeals ? you claim I distort truth but its noticeable that you can't contradict a single fact I've stated. since you're not pro-Israel (ha ha ha) bu tonly interested in balance can we see you strongly criticsie a pro-Israel poster ? in fact you can contact scrappleface to demand, in the interets of the lack of bias you endorse, an anti-Israel satire since the last 4 or 5 on the ME theme have ALL been anti-Israel But you won't will you ? because you're a huge fan of Israel, can't stand valid debate about the ME and try and distort all criticism of Israel (as I notice you have YET AGAIN) as Jew-hate. whoops correction to last post to ynot I have been in the desert for 40 days facing my temptations ... and it has been revealed to me that antisemetic diatribes are in fact, inherently satirical and belong in SCRAPPLEFACE. Any statements in support of death worshipping pawns spawned in a sea of hatred are patently satirical regardless of the intent of the author. I apologize Mike G., Lugubrious Dummy, et al, you're not fascists, you are comedians. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 11, 2003 08:32 AM[deleted] Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 11, 2003 08:43 AMHello bigslime and indigent laundry guy,ken stein,rummy,random and all the scrapple players. The performance artist needed a room: *rim shot* awwwwwww......i couldn't post that??? can satire really be OFFENSIVE? i guess it can only be satire scott agrees with, or finds humorous. Posted by: biz at July 11, 2003 10:27 AM[deleted] Posted by: biz at July 11, 2003 10:29 AMJust because I can't get the count right doesn't mean I should not be heard. I am not an animal, I am a human bean. Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 11, 2003 10:52 AMAllemachtig, wat een niveau ineens! Dat we tot #173 gekomen, hoeft niet te betekenen heh! LN ji ben eigelik #174 en u schrijved beter in Nederlandse dan ik. Ik ken it wel lezen beter dan schrijven. Nederlandse praaten ken ik wel aardig goet doen. Tot ziens, echten leuken kat-meijse Posted by: LFCat in Colorado in wooden shoes at July 11, 2003 12:58 PMGetting the count right isnt nearly as important as the actual time spent on counting. Mike G--after ya take your calm pill...scroll to the bottom of Scotts piece and you'll find the number (:~})......Ya gotta do it that way because if you try to count all of them...you may THINK you're a number you're not cuz someone unbeknownst to you cuts in front of you....capiche?...and is that revelation life changing? (:~}) Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 11, 2003 02:18 PMMike G., If only LFC knew what was being counted... Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 11, 2003 02:38 PMWell I've stopped counting, found no correlation to either native intelligence or accumulated knowledge and still the Palestinians have not established a state. Well, they had their chance and they blew it (so to speak). Posted by: Big Time Sublime at July 11, 2003 02:50 PMSublime your sense of humor certainly makes up for your political stances. Mike G I guess I don't know what I was talking about either since I didn't know what you were talking about as it must be "code" between you and sublime--who speculated I didn't know what I was talking about,capiche?? (:~}). I thought you were following the #173, #174 count..which is what I assumed the first Dutchie was referring to. None of it's important. It's hot......I'm sleep deprivd and my Yerba Mate'tea (legal cat nip for humans LOL) hasn't kicked in yet.! Presently is it difficult syllables to together put me for.! Posted by: LFCat in Colorado at July 11, 2003 03:54 PMYa lfc Abominable Dummy One of us IS pathetic but I checked and it’s not me. The only “bust” on this board is your Pal flag waiving anti-Semitic garbage. I’ve never heard anyone defend the Pals so much -hence my warning to other scrapplers that you are actually Yasar Arafat’s information minister. You are really sensitive about that hate word huh?? You are filled with hate. You are filled with hate. You are filled with hate. You are filled with hate. You are probably angling for some donation to a “Kill all Jews” cause. Your hate-driven parents taught you well. Now they send you 50 cents every time you get a hit on your “Kill all Jews” website. This is probably the only way you can afford to stay in this wonderful country. Well sorry to disappoint but I won’t be donating today, or tomorrow. I will never donate except to irritating you. I'm not playing your game, your playing mine. Please respond to this right away so I can continue laughing. Your favorite scrappler - Ynot there are no rules ('cept Note: ScrappleFace readers are intelligent enough to express themselves without obscenities.(:~})) Posted by: aNarchISt at July 12, 2003 12:49 AMynot, Comical Rummy, I am masterfully proud of my last post thank you. Now read this carefully because I’m typing fast. You admitted you rail against Israel to “redress the balance.” I admitted that Israel is not perfect. You admitted that it was wrong when Arabs are taught false and damning things about Jewish people. This is real progress. I am not aware of Israel’s past leaders being terrorists, but it’s possible you’re right about that. So you are down with Israel and America because we financially support them? You think it’s unfair that Israel gets financial help from Uncle Sam? Are you aware of the amount of money that flows into the Pal’s region from Arabic Princes? Do you know these same Princes give tens of millions (or payoffs?) to terrorist organizations including your hero’s in Pal that are killing innocent people. Notice how I typed people and not Jews? How can you defend people that kill completely innocent people, i.e. women, children, pedestrians, workers??? Regardless of where people happen to be born (or into what nationality, religion, etc.) they don’t deserve to be killed by some maniac who is so demented that they think homicide bombing will really solve some problems. We are all just people Rummy. So now that you know that Arabic princes are donating to terrorist causes like the Pals, would you please start emailing them with the same outrage and disgust you have been posting here? Please? I read with my own eyes within the last two weeks that Israel agreed to end the occupation, or at least parts of it. But the killing of innocent people by the Pals HAS TO STOP FIRST. Parental test: Your kid is screaming and throwing a fit for candy. Do you give it to him? (I say no) Palestinians are murdering innocents so they can gain statehood. Do you give it to them? Rummy says yes. Or did I just strike the real nerve?? Pals don’t want statehood - they want to push all the Jews into the sea. With Rummy behind them cheering them on. But you’re not an anti-Semite. OOOOKKKKK?!? Now enough of this silly drivel. I am seriously done with you! Any time I need to be reminded of how one-sided someone’s brain can became, I’ll think of you Rummy. Do walk with your head tilted to the left? See that’s humor. Like RILG was saying, less serious, and more jokes (like you Rummy.) Oh, you're so welcome. The only thing you have accomplished is to destroy my former belief that all people have something good about them. Good post, Ynot. And I don't think I ever said that about the West Bank and Gaza. Could you please find whatever gave you that impression? The only thing I can think of is maybe the thing about Israel not giving them back until they agreed that Israel was a sovereign state. Posted by: Ken Stein at July 12, 2003 04:22 PMynot, I hear all the time allegations regarding how much money Arab states give the Pals, how much ends in terrorist hands seems to vary - a fraction of the amount we give to Israeli terrorists: severl $ bill - though I concede its likely relatives of suicide bombers got compensation maybe from Saddam at one point. "Israel agreed to end the occupation, or at least parts of it. " ah well there's the rub. read it closer: even where they claim occupations have ended then road blocks etc remain, but the main point I was making is that ISrael refuses EVER to end the occupation. they will not even DISCUSS ending the main settlements that are illegal in internation law allowing the Pals a state in the remaining 22% of their former homeland. "Or did I just strike the real nerve?? " yep you struck a nerve, isn't that exactly what we did when we gave Israel a state in 1947. O what rubbish - not the old Pals want "to push the Jews into the sea" line Ken, but I'm glad if you now recognise thats not the case ! Posted by: Comical Rummy at July 13, 2003 05:20 AMI loved all of Mel Brooks' movies...even "The Producers" and "The Twelve Chairs" as well as the Frenchman, as usual your ignorance of American History is showing. As to 'colons', well let's just say that there are French Americans who In our revolutionary war we didn't slaughter women and children. You peasants did that using Mdme. La Guillotine. We KNOW about the atrocities the french committed during the french and Indian war, which france also lost. I wonder if Dr. Stuhl can do a bowel resect on frenchman? Posted by: Mdme LaFarge at July 13, 2003 11:53 PMLaFarge, i like michael bolton's music!! Posted by: biz at July 14, 2003 09:25 AMDear Madame Lafarge, "We KNOW about the atrocities the french committed during the french and Indian war, which france also lost." You are like your President. You are talking a lot but not providing any evidence. I already discussed the alleged French atrocities a few weeks ago... I am still waiting for a credible list of the alleged atrocities ! Cordialement, I said "Ken was under the impression that Israel had agreed to end its occupation of Pal land in the West Bank and Gaza if the Pal resistance ceased" No, you misunderstood me. I said that Israel would not leave until that happened. I did not say that they agreed to leave when it stopped. That is only one of the requirements. Is that clear enough, or do I have to say it another hundred times before you get it?
so Ken, LFCat, Niet sleg! (# 175) CR - promised links coming up sometime. LN Posted by: LN at July 15, 2003 02:19 PM |
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