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November 05, 2002
Jiang Zemin Decides Hu Will Lead, and Wen

(2002-11-05) -- In a rare peek behind the Great Wall of Chinese politics, journalists learned this week that premier Jiang Zemin has decided Hu will lead the Communist Party, and Wen.

Jiang has chosen Vice President Hu Jintao, 59, to become party general secretary at the end of the 16th party Congress – and state president next March.

Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao, 60, was also hand-picked by Jiang to succeed Zhu Rongji as premier next March.

This Friday, 2,010 Communist Party delegates will gather to "elect" the nation's top leaders. However, in long-standing party tradition, the participants of the week-long congress will just endorse Jiang's decision, according to a CNN report.

"I'm sure you Americans from New Jersey and Minnesota can relate," said local party leader Wye Juvoht. "Even though we're not really electing our leaders at the Party Congress, we all enjoy the get-together. It's really just an excuse to get crazy, wave the flag, drink a lot and eat some good home-cooked snakehead fish."

by Scott Ott | Donate | | Comments (4) | More Satire | Printer-Friendly
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It took me a while to get the Hu and Wen of the story but when it dawned on me, I laughed out loud.

Delectable article.

Posted by: Wild Rose at November 5, 2002 08:47 AM

So Hu's on First?

Ha! *slapping knee*



Posted by: Texas Yankee at November 5, 2002 11:49 AM


Posted by: Lynxx Pherrett at November 5, 2002 05:24 PM

You're a sick, silly b------; and I love you.

Posted by: cicadi at November 6, 2002 07:27 AM
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